Friday, 26 October 2018

Let's talk about Depression..

As a part of life people face various struggles at certain points in their life. Such as loss of a beloved relationship, friendship, death of a close relative or confidant, failing at your dream job/business etc.

It is normal to feel sad, depressed, anxious or scared when you are stuck in a rut. But for a normal, healthy person life doesn't end here. Sun does shine again. The phases of depression and sadness lift. Joy is felt once again into their lives.

Photo by ActionVance on Unsplash

But it's world apart for a person suffering from depression as a disease. It could be:
  • clinical depression- which is treatable
  • major depression- which may be one of the depression disorders and more complex to treat.
Depression acts as a resistance in the normal functioning of a human body. It takes a toll on mood, thinking, feelings, eating and just day-to-day activities.

So, how do you figure that it's depression?

Symptoms of depression:

Some of the prominent symptoms of depression include:
  • feeling constantly blue and hopeless
  • persistent cover of fatigue and tiredness
  • unable to sleep or overdose of sleep
  • sudden bursts of crying usually without an apparent reason
  • anger, irritability, and hatred or strong negative emotions
  • weight and appetite gain or loss
  • lack of interest in activities which once made you overjoyed
  • a deep feeling of emptiness
  • strong feelings of guilt, helplessness, fear and of just being a loser at life.
Photo by Bryce Koebel on Unsplash

For starters, it is not something that just 'goes away' or something to just 'deal with until'.
It is a recognized mental health disorder which is medically and otherwise treatable as well.

It certainly is not something to be ashamed of. In the world in general and in certain societies like Asian countries in particular, consulting a mental health doctor is seen as downright humiliating and the patient,who needs nothing more than unconditional support, is met with mockery, ridicule and embarrassment.

How to deal with embarrassment

As someone who has been suffering from depression for quite sometime, I know the pressure of not sharing your struggles. Share what you're feeling with someone who cares. Speaking up has helped me immensely. The first move towards healing is to face the fear, feel it and still muster up all your strength to share and speak up.

All the power to you in fighting and being a warrior against depression.

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