Saturday, 14 April 2018

How to deal with embarrassment

                  Dealing with Embarrassment

 Hello everybody! This is my first blog post. Lets begin with a brief introduction. I am a student. I am studying finance, accounting and HR. As a student I often have to deal with the typical student problems (not essentially exclusive to students). Whether it be dealing with mean (and not the average one) classmates/people or bearing the burden of a full schedule. 

One particular problem stands out amongst all. The one in which you embarrass yourself in front of a class full of peers and similar species. 

Been there. The sinking, burning feeling slowly gnawing away at your insides. Your throat dries up. The cheeks tingle and blush. And you find yourself caught up between wanting to run and yet paralyzed. 

                Empathizing with all you pals, here are some tips for how I have dealt with all the embarrassment and how you can too (again, not exclusive to my student fellows).

1. Confronting the 'bug' head on:

You can hide 'em from the world but not from yourself. Your feelings. The surge of emotions that takes place when 'we feel' that we have failed to perform under some spotlight. That we couldn't rise to the level where we would've gained mass approval. The best way to kill that 'bug' is to confront it rather than hiding it or hiding due to it. 
 Sit alone for sometime without any companion (including an electronic one). Ponder over how you feel. Then go out into the world, with embarrassment still shrouding you, and force yourself to go about your normal routine.Will this make embarrassment go away magically? No. But it will certainly make it easier to bear the burden. Communicate with yourself because you are the best buddy you will ever find. 


Nothing charms like good humor does. And what better opportunity to bond over a laugh than when you are already at your most vulnerable. Turn the embarrassment and mockery that comes your way into bouts of laughter. Laughing at yourself decreases stress. A good laugh can have you connected to people instantly and can turn you from an unacceptable 'weirdo' to a complete charmer.
So, the next time try laughing a bit more.

3. Read/Watch Funny/Embarrassing videos.

Doing this shifts the focus of your mind to a more relaxed approach. Funny, embarrassing videos, specially of someone you are die hard fan of, will just go on to show how "human" we all are. And at that, very susceptible to making mistakes- from small to grave ones. But this does not render us unworthy of love an appreciation. And what better thing to back that up than watching amazing people, who are known for their poise and grace, slip a bit.  
Funny lightens up life. Anything with humor makes everything better. Keep those Charlie Chaplin words in mind: 
"A day without laughter is a day wasted."

4. Focus on your strengths. 

 Don't halt just because you didn't know a thing or two or embarrassed yourself in a particular scenario. Focus on that which sets you apart. Your STRENGTHS. That 'thing'(s) in which you can get lost (the old-fashioned way). When you are clear and confident  about your values and strengths, you will no longer be as sensitive to other people's opinion of you.You know your base and you can hold on your own. You will still feel embarrassed and all but that won't paralyze you. You'd be strong and calm in the face of criticism. So, give yourself some time and carve out your most prominent points.

5. Accept.

And the most important step is to accept. Accept what is yours. Including your mess. Don't play the blame game. Own it. Its all the moments in your life- happy, sad, good and bad, that built you. They are a part and parcel of your personality. Learn, however hard it may be. to love your vulnerabilities and 'oops' moments. You are as human as it can get. Accept it and love it.

Hope this helps. And I hope you like it. Please read and share. And send all the support you can my way. Much Love!